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List Delivery managers

The delivery managers page consists of the following:

  • A search bar where the user can search by the delivery manager's name
  • A " + New Delivery Manager " button that enables the user to add a new delivery manager
  • The delivery managers' table

Delivery managers are users that correspond to the people or entities responsible for order delivery in the real world

Delivery managers search bar and new delivery manager button screenshot


Delivery managers have a limited number of permissions as they only can access orders that are assigned to them, prescriptions, imports and a few site configurations

Delivery managers' table

The delivery managers table consists of the following:

  • Name
  • Description
  • No. of orders: the number of orders assigned to the delivery manager
  • Governorate: the governorate in which the city that the delivery manager covers
  • city: the city that the delivery manager covers
  • Creation Date
  • An actions column containing the following:
    • A view manager button
    • An edit manager button
    • An enable/disable manager button

delivery managers table screenshot


Assigning an order to a delivery manager can be done a user in the orders page